Services begins at 3PM 

Join us every Saturday at 3 PM for our Sabbath service. We encourage everyone to arrive on time as a sign of respect for God, an example for our children, and consideration for each other. But we know that life happens, and sometimes being on time isn’t possible. If you’re running late, please don’t hesitate to come in. We’re always happy to see you, whenever you arrive.
Children are welcome to stay with their families during the entire service or they can join other children for lesson time after worship. We also have a nursery available for younger children.

Torah Portions

Each week, the men in our community present the Torah Portion, a reading cycle that covers the Torah, the Prophets, and the Gospels. This time is designed to encourage you and your family to read and study the Bible for yourselves. By sharing the insights they have gained in their preparation, our presenters aim to inspire deeper engagement with Scripture and foster a love for God's Word within our community.

The Ten Commandments

Each week, we gather as a community to read the Ten Commandments aloud. This practice helps us to store God's commands in our hearts and unite in our desire to live them out. By regularly reflecting on these sacred laws, we aim to teach our children the importance of God's words and inspire each other to walk faithfully in His ways. Join us as we affirm our commitment to His commandments and strengthen our bond as a community devoted to living out His truths.


Our purpose in worship is to create an intimate time where we encourage one another to lift up our voices in praise to Yahweh. Ultimately, we aim to please God and draw close to Him. As Psalm 95:6-7 reminds us, "Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care." Let us join together in worship that is sincere and acceptable to God, offering our praise with reverence and love.


Our teaching time is dedicated to diving deep into God's Word, verse by verse, for about an hour each week. We focus on understanding the context, culture, and application of the Scriptures. Throughout the message, questions are asked, and everyone is invited to share their responses. This interactive approach helps us grow more intimate in our relationship with God by deepening our understanding of His Word. Join us as we explore the Bible together and strengthen our faith through collective learning and discussion.

The Blessing

We close each service with the Aaronic blessing over our children and community. We invite you to stand with us in prayer and join in blessing our community. This powerful moment unites us in faith and purpose, asking for God's favor, peace, and protection over everyone. Come and be part of this special tradition as we lift up our voices together in prayer and blessing.


In Hebrew, prayer means to align our hearts and minds with God's will. At the conclusion of our services, we dedicate time to prayer, focusing on this alignment. We encourage everyone to pray specifically for applying a lesson from each week's teaching, for the salvation of our lost loved ones and community, for our elected leaders, and for Israel. This time of prayer is essential, helping us to connect deeply with God and with each other as we lift up these important requests together.


In Hebrew, "Oneg" means delight, and we delight in the fellowship of the saints and in being a community that loves God first and loves one another. After our service, we spend the evening sharing a meal, engaging in conversation, and enjoying each other's company. This time of sharing food and life together reflects our commitment to love and community. We encourage everyone to bring a dish to share, keeping in mind our adherence to biblical food laws. Join us for Oneg and experience the joy and connection that come from being part of our loving community.